Un saggio del mio studio
「学而時習之、不亦説乎。」is an ancient Chinese thinker, Koshi’s saying. As a student who passed the exam, I realized this saying was really true. Well, I’ll explain it later. Firstly let me tell you about University of Tokyo (called UT) itself and my recent life.
is unique in that it has a system in which you can choose your faculty later.
Until then, students belong to College of Arts and Sciences and can study various
things. There are also various forms of lectures: ones with fewer students,
fieldworks, ones with different professors at different weeks, and ones of
flip-teaching style. They are so exciting that I wish I had more bodies. It’s
too hard to decide which lecture to take! Here you can study until you get
insane (Don’t worry; there are psychiatrists on campus, too).
I’ve told you how
wonderful UT is. In fact, however, the reason why I applied for UT is very vague
and complex. While UT has larger budget, I was attracted by the spirit of
freedom of Kyoto University (KU) too. My feelings toward those two universities
changed day by day. I couldn’t decide even after the National Center Test. Then
I decided to play my last card and carry out the advice my teacher gave:
throwing a dice. I had no dices, so I used playing cards instead. The result
was 2, a prime number, which meant KU. I declared that I would apply for KU. But
I was lectured by my parents. I hesitated and slept on it. You know, my
feelings changed day by day; my feelings actually changed the next day. The
closing date was near at hand. And thus I’m here now. I don’t know, and I can’t
know, if I made a right decision. Even so I don’t regret. You must decide even
when you can’t decide. Then you might as well throw a dice ―
whether you will follow it or not.
You are probably more interested in how I
studied. The important thing is that before lessons I prepared for them and after
lessons I revised them. This way of studying is too ordinary to remark, you might be
thinking. But I suppose you know the difficulty to memorize things to be
memorized. You should do ‘the important thing’ to create ‘links’ among the
things you learnt. For example, when you encounter a word you have seen in your
vocabulary book while preparing for a lesson of classics, you should look it up
with your book again. This creates a link between the text you are studying and
the sentence you have seen. The link enables you not only to memorize the word
easily but also to understand the text fully. (I even read my notebook of
modern society to learn about the procedures when I encountered an English word
‘referendum’, or I re-looked up a word ‘Rhizobia’ when I learnt the function of
clovers in mixed farming. Note that links exist beyond the boundaries of
subjects.) I believe a person with a lot of links can think things flexibly. You
should try aggressively to find problems to solve interesting. It will surely
stimulate your intellect. In this way you can understand the importance of revision:
preparation is just a variety of revision. I always did my revision throughout
my high school life. I could keep it because I loved classes. Revision was
effective to make the most of them. Koshi
was right.
Next, I’d like you to keep in mind this Greek
saying while studying: “Σπεῦδε βραδέως ("Festīnā lentē" in
Latin).” You may feel you can’t stop studying while you are revising, for it
has no end. Then remember this word. Not studying is as important as studying. You
need to take rest. In my case, I slept for 7.5 hours on average even in winter,
and enough sleep helped me to concentrate on my studying. The quality of your
study is affected by the quality of the time you’re not studying.
My study consisted
of some more things. I did various things in my high-school life: club
activities, the speech on Interpeople-day, experiences at Spring-8, taking part
in debate matches and so on. Everyday life was full of conversation of
intelligence (like “I’m very thirsty. Give me a liter of water!” “Oh, you
are such concentrated sulfuric acid!”). All of the experiences I had were
helpful in the exam, I believe. You may be using what you learnt when you solve
problems. But broad your horizons and play with your knowledge. There are a lot
of opportunities for your knowledge to play an active part outside the
classroom or your study room. Don’t miss them.
「学而不思則罔、思而不学則殆」is also Koshi’s word. Learn from your teacher
and your books effectively. Think by yourself, and play with your knowledge. That’s
just what I did, what I wanted to tell you the most in this long essay.
始めに断っておくが、これはあくまで4月当時の私の感想である。例えば、今はもうUTがexcitingとは感じていない。だが確かに体はもっと欲しい(もちろん、堕落する時間を作るために)。'study until you get insane' は正しいが, can ではなく made to とか forced to とかいった印象だ。 'Even so I don’t regret' と言っておきながら、私はこの文章を書いた数週間後にはもうregretし始めていた。ALESSのせいである。
タイトルはイタリア語にしてみた。これはイタリア語選択であることを示唆する役割がある。また、英語の文章の中に引用として漢文や古代ギリシャ語が突然入ってくる構成になっている。これは古典を大切にする温故知新の姿勢を示すものである。さすがに古代ギリシャ語は全く意味がわからないであろうと思ってΣπεῦδε βραδέωςにはラテン語訳もつけておいた。何もラテン語を読めと言っているのではなく、検索して意味を調べて欲しいとの考えだ。ギリシャ文字はなかなかタイプできないが、ラテン語ならアルファベットなので(記号さえ無視すれば)タイプできるというわけである。少し読み取りにくかったかもしれないが、実は「後輩たちには、自分で調べることを大切にする心構えを持って欲しい」という愛情溢れる思いがこのカッコ書きの背景にあったのだ。
そもそも英語で書かれてあること自体を疑問に思う向きもあるかもしれない。しかしこれにもきちんとした理由がある。まず、私の文章を読む人を減らすことができる。現に進路指導部すら私の文章を読んでいない。これにより 'Not studying is as important as studying' といった反体制的な主張をしてもばれにくくなる。もし日本語で書いていたら体制側から検閲が入っていたかもしれない。英語は表現の自由が侵されないよう守ってくれているのである。もう1つの理由は、この文章自体が 'play with your knowledge' の精神(*1)から生まれたということである。つまり、私はこの文章の内容のみならず形式も使って読者にメッセージを送っているのだ。この意味で、内容と形式の両輪がこの合格体験記の根幹を成していると言える(*2)。この2つを考え合わせると、もはや日本語で書くという発想の方がありえないくらいだ。